Seminole County's rich agricultural past has developed the community that we all enjoy today. There was a time when Seminole County was citrus, cattle, and the Celery Capital of the World. Despite the county's urbanization, agriculture remains an important part of our community. From strawberries to ornamental plants, there is a large diversity of commercial operations in the county.
UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County offers expertise in sustainable agriculture and food systems. We provide relevant and timely resources to agricultural producers and others who need information about Seminole County agriculture.
The Seminole County Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems program provides education and training based on the latest research and technology from the University of Florida. The Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems agent is available for consultation, to provide CEU's, host education events, and improve the quality of like for all citizens.
Check out these blogs by our Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Agent!
For a list of upcoming classes in Seminole County, CLICK HERE!